Wednesday, December 7, 2011

John Briscella, The Throne of Paris, 2009. Aluminum anodized synthetic Resin.

Briscella attempts to address the irreverent attitude 3d printed furniture has taken towards the meaning of its own symbolic language by layering a map of the city of Paris over the Starck Louis XIV chair. He creates a double narrative of the disappearance of Louis XIV into the city of Paris, and the use of Paris by Louis XIV to intimidate. Furthermore, he opens up questions regarding special conceptions of a city. By examining history he seeks to legitimize his work. It is fairly effective as a cultural relic, but seems somewhat conceived- where was the need for this piece to exist? It is an effective critique of the fad of generative geometric patterning in rapid prototyping, but its own concept seems too reactionary and obscure.

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